Thursday, December 27, 2012

Getting your heart back from "the one who got away"

There is this idea, this concept if you will, in love, lust and things like lunchmeat called "the one who got away." This character can be dealt with by one of two ways: dwelling on it and q chances at relationships with any other, or letting go (or as I have put it in this blog, "getting your heart back from the one who got away." This blog will deal with the latter.

Now, this situation can come about many ways. Either you loved someone who never loved you, or you loved someone who decided at some point they no longer love you. Either way, your heart is broken because someone you gave your heart to stomped it to pieces on the ground.

Gee, thanks for reminding me, you may be thinking. You are welcome. Because that is the first step in getting your heart back:
1) REALISING THE OBJECT OF YOUR OBSESSION DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK. Ouch. I know it hurts, but only until you move onto the next part.
NOTE :steps  2 and 3 may come in the following order, at the same time, or reversed.
For some, this may mean you muster up the guts to ask them out. Who knows? Maybe they want you after all.
For others, this will involve a little creativity and a whole lot of honesty. Think it through. Did their parents hate you? Did they have a cat that always attacked you? Did they like scary movies but you can't stand them? Did they want 384 children and you weren't even sure you wanted one? Really think it through. There's usually a pretty good reason for it not working out.
For others, and facebook is great for this, it wil be helpful to see how this person is acting in a current relationship. Is she so happy she can barely contain herself from writing all over his wall, hourly? Is he not responding to her? (And therefore wouldn't have responded to you). Are they getting in fb fights? (the same you would have had). Have they joined accounts? (seriously, at this point you know you can't have this one's heart and that should just make it easy to let go). And this brings me to my personal favorite....
3) LOOK AT YOUR OWN BF/GF! If you have been so blessed/lucky to be with another person while still "in love" with someone else, FOCUS ON THEM! What better way to learn that you don't need "oh-whats-her-face" than to learn what a great new woman you have! Instead of thinking how one turned you down, think of the one who said YES! Instead of trying to win the heart of someone who isn't there, focus on keeping the heart that is there.

Well folks, it's that easy. All ideas are from personal experience, and have helped me immensely, as I can type this saying that I do not hold out for anyone but my own boyfriend. I'm done letting my heart break because a boy won't like me back, and the only man worth the struggle of love is Matthew Anderson Brown!

Friday, December 14, 2012

HOw do i start?

So many thoughts running through my head....where do i start? do i start with the fact that EVERY DAY since i returned to USA from Kenya, i have been asked at least once, "when are you going back?" Do i start with how it breaks my heart to say, "i don't know....whenever God says so."

Or perhaps i start with how my cell phone has finally broken and now i am completely cellularless for the next couple days? Do i start with explaining how freeing and beautiful it has been? How stressful  and convicting?

Or maybe i should start with how blessed i am to be finally dating the man of my dreams. How he came into my life when i least expected and i still am amazed hearing his voice call me babe?

Or should i start with how my friendships have evolved and those that were away came back, those that were stayed, and more were added? How i don't know how to keep up with everyone, but i pray for each daily?

Speaking of prayer, should i start with a prayer of adoration. How amazed i am at my God and the great things HE is doing in my life and the lives around me?

Instead of starting with any of these, in stead of going into depth, I will say only what i've said. If you want to know more, feel free to ask. At this point, I am simply overwhelmed by God's work in my life and am excited to see what each new day brings.