Sunday, February 27, 2011

one thing

there's this one thing
just one sin
one thing i cant let go
but Lord i want to so
please take it from me
i want to be holy
as You are holy
but i just cant be

because there's this one thing
this one big sin
i just cant loose
and it's like a noose
killing me slowly each day
but it just makes me wanna say

Jesus, save me!
You are the Key
You are all i need!
to free me
to rip off these chains
of this horrible shame

it's just this one thing
this one sin
keeping me down
making You frown
holding me back
making me lack

it's one thing
just one sin
hiding all the others
they fall under covers
of this one thing
this one thing

Lord, free me from this one thing
this one sin
Jesus save me from this longing
Just be my King
Take away the evil in my heart
Fill in every part
Fill be with Your living
take away this one thing

1 Thes 5:16-24 :)

1 Thes 5:16-24 REJOICE always, PRAY continually, GIVE THANKS in all circumstances; for this is GOD'S WILL for you in Christ Jesus. DO NOT QUENCH THE SPIRIT. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but TEST them all; HOLD on to what is good, REJECT every kind of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, SANCTIFY you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be KEPT BLAMELESS at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is FAITHFUL, and he will do it.

Don't you want to do God's will for your life? have you ever wondered what it is? well, this makes it pretty clear. To rejoice always in Christ Jesus, pray continually in Christ Jesus and give thanks in all circumstances in Christ Jesus. What's more? to not quench the Spirit of God which spurs us in following His will. It is also God's will for us that we will test all prophecies, and to not treat them with contempt.  God wants us to hold onto all that is good and reject EVERY kind of evil. This passage reminds us God is the God of peace and that it is HE who sanctifies us, sets us apart. With this peace we should be able to rejoice, pray and give thanks. It is also God's will that we be kept blameless, in everything, at the return of Jesus. This passage ends with God being the One who calls us and reminds us that He is faithful and will do it! That is, He will have His will be done; He will, by being the God of peace,  allow us to rejoice, pray and give thanks! He will keep the Spirit burning in us and help us to test everything, clinging to the good and fleeing all evil. God sets us apart and sees us as blameless as He covers us with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Control Me

Control me, i am Yours
Control my mind, my hands my soul
consume my every thought, my every word
i want the whole world to know You are my LORD!

Why do i let go of You,
You who created all, You,
You who holds a plan for me, You
You who knows just what i need, You

I want You to take control,
have all of me, take my soul
move my hands and my feet
make my mind know Your beat

Control my heart-I wanna love
control my feet-i'll be a dove
control my soul-i wanna live
control my self-to You i give!

I'm handing over the riegns, Jesus
because only You are righteous
You are holy and the only way
so i give control of me to You today!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


irony is
falling in love
with a man you barely know
and then to know him and see he has no love
and to then find love, as a true friend, in his exwife

irony is
to stay
just friends
and being
the "wingman"
just to find
hes everything
i could ever want

irony is
he makes
me smile
just to hear
his voice
and see
his eyes
and hear
his laugh
when he doesn't even try

irony is
someone is
a true friend
just to have them
stab you
in the back
for being honest

irony is
as someone
who you are not
nor wish to be
nor can be.

irony is
how i
have fallin
for you
so hard
when before
it was so little
and able to be pushed away
held back

irony is
a man
who i could never have
and so
for one that i have had
that cares nothing
for me
and maybe
never did

irony is
the beauty
of the world
and each new sunrise
and sunset
and not thanking God
for each creation

irony is
and yet

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why i write

i find it hard to find the words when i speak, but when i have my lips together, my mouth closed, it is then that i seem i can "say" what i mean, what i feel, what i know. I write to be understood, to be heard, to vent. I do not write solely for you, nor solely for me, though i do write for you and i write for me.
Sometimes my blogs are to share with others who i am. Sometimes my blogs are simply for me to collect my thoughts in one place. But because it is not always one way or another, i do not have privacy settings on this, and i post them always to my facebook for those that want to read.
why do i write. i write for closure. for thinking through my emotions and collecting the thoughts together, to see what is true and what is not. i do not write for you, i do not write for me. i write to understand and to be understood, because too often who i am in person is not who i am

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lay it Down (new poem/song)

Tears fall down my cheeks
as the scene repeats
left you without a word
i could not heal this hurt
pushed you so far away
even tho i need to say

i lay it all down again
i need you back my friend
i need your helping hand
i need you to help me stand
cuz i cant make it through
i just dont kno what to do
so i lay it all down again
i run back to you my friend

another door has closed
and thats just how it goes
slams in my face
oh how much more must i take
this is not how it should be
with you so far away from me
and yet i cant draw near
i am crippled by the fear
Why can't i just

lay it all down again
i need you back my friend
i need your helping hand
i need you to help me stand
cuz i cant make it through
i just dont kno what to do
so i lay it all down again
i run back to you my friend

Cuz Jesus you are all!
You are everything!
You alone can save me
from this misery!
YOU are always there
You will always care
so why have i taken so long to see
you are all i need
So i will

lay it all down again
i need you back my friend
i need your helping hand
i need you to help me stand
cuz i cant make it through
i just dont kno what to do
so i lay it all down again
i run back to you my friend

Circumstances, Choices, and Children

I must no longer allow my circumstances to define me, to be my god. I am a child of the Most High God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth! I am loved, i am new, i am redeemed. And yet, my circumstances of being lonely, of loving a man who cannot and will not love me, overwhelm me at times and try to get me to forget just how GOOD my God is. "Though i may walk thru valley of the shadow of death, still You are with me," No matter how alone i feel, how unloved and broken, God is still with me. He is still all i need. I need this to resound in me, to believe with my whole heart, soul and mind. I need to fully believe that although a man is gone from my life, the One Man who died for me, rose again for me and saved me. "The Lord my Maker is my husband,"and i need to remember that i am not alone, and i am so loved.

yes, it hurts. i feel the aches strong today, and have this past week. If you think of it, pray for me. I surrender my will to God many times a day, and even now have a battle raging just to talk to him again. Is it the man himself that i desire so strongly, or the old life of allowing myself to desire a man so strongly? For now i have been living to prove to God that HE ALONE is my desire and i do not need a man to satisfy. CS Lewis once wrote, "If when you obtain that which you desired and are not satisfied, it was not that which you obtained that you truly desired." I know now that the only thing that satisfies is Christ. And yet, how hard it is to not desire anything else but Christ...Oh that i would be innocent as a child and know nothing but Jesus to satisfy! And to be like a child i must, in that i have faith in Him to be who He is.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011's been a while...

15 days since....
35 days since....
minutes since...

 Time is the way we measure some things in our life. How much time has past since we saw the one we love, since we returned home from a much needed vacation, since we heard a favorite song....

13 hours till....
2 days til...
5 days til...
11 weeks til...
2 years til...

Time also gives us a way to anticipate the things that are coming, and how close they are. 13 hours til i lead a Bible study, two days til i do it again, five days til valentine's day (and the weight that it holds),11 weeks til i complete my BSN program, 2 years until...who knows....

and that is the point. We set these days and times up in our heads, and yet, how do we know we will still be here. and even if we are, how do we know what will happen on those days? Are we God Himself? No, we cannot know, but we plan. let's make our plans count.

since the last blog post, i have started waking up every morning at 545 to read at least two chapters of my Bible on the tredmil, before work.  I am starting the book of Ruth today, and i checked my weight, seeing i already lost 5 lbs! i feel so encouraged reading God's word, even tho i become so tired later in the day, He gives me the strength to make it through. If you have time, look up ANY song by tenth avenue north. Especially: healing begins, STRONG ENOUGH TO SAVE, YOU ARE MORE, on and on, empty my hands, house of mirriors, oh my dear, by your side, love is here, lift us up to fall, SATISFY, let it go, break me down, hold my heart, times, BELOVED....(and those are just the very best ones...)