Monday, March 7, 2011

breaking down this stronghold

You told me twice that tonight You would break these strongholds, and yet even before the service ended, the unrest in my soul became too strong to bear. Is this how You break the strongholds, by breaking me? by tearing up my heart and leaving me without any comfort? Yet You alone are my true comfort and how better to break the strongholds than to show that You are stronger still. How quickly You turn me back to You when i write, yet without constructing the words i do not see how stupid i am in my doubts. This was a lot shorter than i thought it would be....

i want so deeply, so strongly, to simply be cherished by a man. He would say i want to be worshipped, but that is not it. i do want Jesus to be number one in his life, but i would like to be number two! is that so wrong? to him, it is....and so he is not the one for me. is this how i am to break down this stronghold he has over me? to explain (AGAIN) to myself and the world why he is NOT the man for me? and yet, i still hold onto the idea that he COULD be he MIGHT be, that we could make it work, that i could change my ways of thinking so that i do not keep leaving him...simply bc it is what i am used to. im comfortable with him. i know him. i know how he reacts to certain things and i know when i have to ignore everything he says because it will just upset me (which is most of the time). So why do i let him keep this stronghold over me? That is the question. If i can discover the REASON it is a stronghold, i can reason away the reason (haha).

i let him have this stronghold over me, i let myself be captivated by him, because i convince myself that he cherishes me. In my stupidity, my nievity, my lonliness, i CONVINCE myself of the lie that keeps me bound to a man who keeps breaking my arms to be free of my embrace. i am so incredibly stupid. and it makes me so upset to know that i am doing this to myself, and do not know how to stop. I have "given it to God" more times than i can count, i have confessed and repented, i have prayed and fasted, i have pleaded God take this desire away, i have tried EVERYTHING and yet i still cling to him like a cowboy to a bucking bull...this disgusts me more than i can explain.


  1. BECKY! :) I saw the link on Facebook :)

    Hey don't give up.. I once had this problem when it just seemed impossible to overcome this, as you call it, stronghold. But nothing is impossible- I stand before you as a person that was once completely and utterly under the spell of someone else, now free and able to walk away. God gave me my free will back!

    I'm praying for ya... that you will be able to keep your commitments to God :)

  2. Hun don't give up there is so much out there for you! :) i mean look at me.. i have been though so much these past 11 years and this past year .. were would i be my self after everything if i would have not fought.. i mean i have a lot of strongholds i am dealing with now but i am better then what i was a year ago.. All i have to say there is something there keep your faith rising an find it in the lord, to provide and allow him to guide you give it to him to take it off your hands don't allow your self to take on the burden. i am not trying to be mean in any way, please know i am here to help you.. i am praying for you everyday. may god seek you though these hard times to guide you in the rite way to him for him to provide you with what you deserved!

  3. THANKS LADIES! You girls rock! thanks for your encouragement and prayers!
