Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kenya--God's faithfulness and growing my trust in HIm

            When God first put orphans on my heart, I began to understand what a “burden” was. This heightened awareness and heart for people I have never met was so intense I would find myself crying for no apparent reason, other than that God was connecting me to those He was preparing me to serve. I received a text message from my young adults pastor informing me of an opportunity to serve as an intern in an orphanage in Kenya and immediately knew it was for me. Throughout the process, applying, interviewing, preparing to leave after getting the acceptance, I knew I was going. Before I applied, I knew God had chosen me for this internship. He had placed it on my heart before I knew it existed! “But,” I thought, “even if I don’t get chosen, I know I WILL go, sometime, somehow. God will make a way.”
            This theme of God’s faithfulness and learning to trust Him continued throughout the internship. I had many doubts rise up before leaving for Kenya, but each time they would appear, God would bring something to me to remind me that He is faithful and I can trust He will me with me. The one evening I was driving home from work and a blue truck had the license plate “Kenyan.” I almost had to pull over! God is so good to give us just what we need to build our faith and trust in Him!
            In Kenya, so many things happened that deepened my trust in God. From leading devotions every night to traveling in different areas and preaching a Sunday sermon to allowing myself to not hold back with the kids, I kept seeing how He has provided for His children. This was my first time in Kenya, in Africa. It was my first time staying alone in a country I didn’t know. I was scared, but because of last minute changes the first two nights I had another intern stay with me. God used that time to acclimate me to Mbooni and when she left, I felt God’s faithfulness in allowing me to have that time to adjust.
            Now that I have returned to America, God has shown continued faithfulness by allowing me to enjoy some time “adjusting to reality.” I met up with so many missionary friends, and even people I just met! It encouraged me to continue to trust God and bask in His faithfulness. I am so excited to return to “my” Home in November with Kenya’s Kids!

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