Thursday, October 7, 2010


So i have been told one of my biggest issues is my insecurities. and the fault in that is looking to human validation of worth. (phew that was wordy! take a few moments to really meditate on that).

So what? My parents tell me im wonderful, i have friends that tell me i deserve the best...but it's not enough. NO, even if i had a man telling me morning noon and night how wonderful i am, even that would not be enough. If my boss told me every day that my position was so important and i was the best to fill it, it would not satisfy, it would not validate my worth, it would still leave me insecure.

Why's that? Because only in our insecurities in this life can we be truely secure. Huh? Just give it a moment. If we are "secure" with what we have from people, that will fade. Your parents will be disappointed in you, your friends will fight with you, your boss will see a new hire, and that man, well, he is a man......

So now that we are back to insecure, where else can we look for security? How about the One Who created me? No, we talked about parents already. try bigger, much bigger. God created you and me. He said "it's good." He "knew and knit you in the womb." Find security in Him.

But how?
If finding security in Jesus was easy, dont you think more Christians would have easy lives? And yet, dont we? We, as Christians who have accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, have eternal life. Hows that for security! We are literally going to live after we die. Doesnt get much more secure than that! And what about the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you? God the Father had to turn away from His own PERFECT Son, so that He will never have to turn away from you. If that doesn't scream "I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE SAFE AND SECURE HERE WITH ME!" i do not know what does.

So long insecurity, i left you in God's house tonight!


  1. So what's the secret of finding security in God? You can't say he will never leave you, afterall there are times when you cannot feel his presence. You know he's there otherwise your mocecules would fall apart, but at the same time, you don't feel his love, his warmth, his care. You feel cold, isolation, despair, forgotton, rejected, left out, and unwanted. If it was so easy to have security in God then why do we not have it? I agree with your post, but yet there has been volumes of books on this topic. You can be saved, and yet not feel secure. Afterall, how do you feel secure if you are dying of Cancer. How do you feel secure when you lose your parents, your child, your spouse, your best friend? Where is God when you hurt so bad you contemplate taking your own life? Where was God when your best friend ended theres? There has to be a change on the inside. It is not enough to know security, but you have to believe it. You have to understand that it's impossible to feel security in ourselves because of God, but security in God regardless of ourselevs or our own situations. Sense of security has to deal with having things our way. Security in money investments, relationships, objects, all things that conform to us. If they go away, we lose that security. The only freedom from it is to let it go. For me, I must let the security of relationships go and be comfortable being alone. I must let go the security I have from having medical insurance and a good paying job. Alas, all things in His time, and not my own.

  2. Security in God-eternal life, God sending Jesus to show us how important we are to Him.
    Just because you cant feel His presence doesnt mean He's not there...when u feel the loneliness He is there, giving you a trial and longing for you to search for Him.
    I did not say that it is EASY to have security in God, although the concept is simple. If we could will our souls to always be focused on Christ, we would not have insecurity

    As for the rest of your comment...**Sigh** im praying for you....
