"chat with sexy singles who love God and read their Bible"
"come see my sexy Halloween costume"
"Introduce me to your friend, she's hot!"
"Don't worry about it, it's just (one cupcake, one drink, one smoke, one kiss...u fill in the blank)
These things just make me sick. Why do we continue to let the world we live in shoot us so many messages that tell us "sex is the only thing that matters" and "if you're hot, then you're important."?!
It really sickens me to see some of this trash that is bombarding our computer screens, TV screens, classrooms, church groups....why do you think people are killing themselves, whether slowly with their vices or quickly with suicide?! They see all around them that they are not important, not good enough, not worthy, not....anything. It's depressing. But is it just something we notice and say "oh that's so sad" or is it something we will actually DO something about?! Let the creativity flow friends! Tell me, HOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS WORLD!?
Conferences that tell a woman of her REAL beauty are few and far between, can we do more of them? can we be posting them instead of a College Thesis of the Horizontal Games?! Can we see the GOOD that is out there and post that instead of the bad? We need more of NICK VUJICIC, more Beth Moore, more "unveiled" (HINT-if you dont know any of these people/events, LOOK THEM UP :-D)
So, ideas:
love those who are not the most physically attractive to you
more conferences on inner beauty
tell these girls they are beautiful and these guys they are handsome, just because they are not a size two with muscles that bulge doesnt mean that they are not worthy of love and compliments
check out Nick vujicic, beth moore, and other inspirational speakers instead of the clips that tell you you arent good enough
read the Bible-even in the church building you will find people loving the attractive more than the "could lose a few" (as a Christian dating site puts it) esp 1 Samuel 16:7!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
To Save A Life Party
So tonight i got some friends together to watch this movie. It was life changing and we had some great discussion after it ended about Christianity and living it out etc. I had 2 friends who were not "Jesus Freaks" there. I dont want to say they werent Christian because they have said they believe in God (yes i know that is not the only requirement to being a Christian but this post is not to judge them as Christians or not!) Anyway, those 2 left before the movie ended. They didnt like the hardcore Christianity being pushed down their throats. Those of us that stayed, those of us "on fire for God" stayed afterward and had some great discussion! And also some terrible points made. I cant recall anything particular, except asking one person to basically be like the awesome leader that we saw in the lead character in the movie. She answered that she would talk to me about it. This meant no. This meant, no, i really am not gonna practice what i preach. i am gonna live in my happy content bubble and not serve my brother. This meant no i will not do what is right,what Jesus would do, but im gonna tell u all about how i want to be more like Jesus and all that matters to me is Him. Well, honey, if that was the TRUTH you would have served Him tonight. Instead, you kept ur security, ur comfort, ur perfect little life. Thanks for proving the cynics right. We cant change the world. Not because it's impossible, but because we refuse to. We refuse to let Christ use us. We refuse to do what He tells us to do. We refuse to love the "unloveable" though we will talk about doing it like we do it all the time. What fakers! No wonder the world hates us! No wonder the world doesnt "buy into" Christianity! All they see is FAKE CHRISTIANS. I wouldnt sign up for it either! Thank God i DO have people in my life showing true Christianity and being like Jesus in this world! To be honest, i will take the sinner who strives to be like Jesus in serving over the Pharisee who knows and quotes scripture but refuses to follow it!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Soul Mates
Have you ever had an experience where you were in a group and someone says exactly what you were thinking but were too chicken to say? or couldnt quite find the words to say? Have you ever had someone come up to you and say, "thanks! that was just what i needed to hear/say"? have you ever been to a church and felt like a bobble head doll because you kept agreeing with the sermon?
This is the "one-ness," the unity, the body of Christ being One. This is one of the most wondrous, awesome, wonderful, amazing, thrilling experiences i have ever had. And, Praise God!, it has been happening quite frequently! This is the Spirit of the Lord that is uniting His people together. This is our souls uniting as one. This is true soul mates.
For me, soul mates has nothing to do with a husband and wife, but everything to do with the marriage of Christ and His Church. The intimacy, the sharing, the love, the passion that is shared....when the body of Christ can feel it, and they feel it together, it is some powerful stuff! So be prepared my soul mates, for God is doing amazing things and you knew that already, because the Spirit is telling you, too!
This is the "one-ness," the unity, the body of Christ being One. This is one of the most wondrous, awesome, wonderful, amazing, thrilling experiences i have ever had. And, Praise God!, it has been happening quite frequently! This is the Spirit of the Lord that is uniting His people together. This is our souls uniting as one. This is true soul mates.
For me, soul mates has nothing to do with a husband and wife, but everything to do with the marriage of Christ and His Church. The intimacy, the sharing, the love, the passion that is shared....when the body of Christ can feel it, and they feel it together, it is some powerful stuff! So be prepared my soul mates, for God is doing amazing things and you knew that already, because the Spirit is telling you, too!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
10-10-10....a reflection on love
Not many know this, but i was supposed to get married today. Senior year in high school i was dating a man. A mutual friend introduced us. We started dating Dec 16, 2006, got engaged Dec 23, 2007 and broke up some time in the spring of 2008. We had set the date for our wedding to be Oct 10, 2010 because i love numbers and he wanted to get married in the fall and we wanted me to have my RN and a full-time job. I dont really remember what happened in the months after the break up. I think i recall still seeing him a few times, but i know the last time i talked 2 him we were disconnected from the phone and when i called back his friend picked up and basically cursed me out and told me to leave my ex alone.
i spent my newly found "free time" working like crazy and a friend from work brought me to a church group for college-aged kids in the summer of 2008 . I immediately fell in love and realized how important my faith is to me. i put my free time back into God and the church, and in October met a guy who i dated for almost a year and a half, "knowing" that it was God who brought us together since neither of us were looking for relationships but had an indescribable connection. I figured we would get married. He figured we would just see what happens. How did that last a year and a half? (LOL sorry, i just think it's funny looking back).
So at this point, i was devastated to have lost yet another "future husband" but i was working on being content being single again. i was looking to God to fill me and sustain me. Life was fine. Sure i still would have loved to be getting married and having someone to love and love me, but i had my friends and they were my everything. i let go and let God. Then i met another man.
we met up to discuss a sermon, not to fall in love. but, as irony would have it, fall in love we did. this began the most intense relationship i have had with a potential husband. the bond we created was so strong that i can only explain our relationship as intense. It was on fire for God, encouraging one another, reading books exploring God together. It was a good relationship...and tho the word intense may have bad connotation, there is just no other way to explain that except intense! But how long can a fire stay that strong surrounded by lakes and firefighters....
So in the last 4 years of my life, i have only been single or in non-serious relationships for six months....just realizing this today and it just hit hard. that's 7/8 in relationship, 1/8 not, for FOUR YEARS!? Do i not know how to be single? do i take every slightest possibility and take it as a "sign" that i am supposed to be with that person? maybe i do. i really do wonder if that was all it was....and yet, i just cant let go....but is that because i dont know how to be single and it scares me to be single so i stay in relationships even when they are not right? But i dont think i am supposed to be single. i can only see myself as being married. i have so much love to give, how can i not share it? and i know there is the sharing love as a friend or mentor and nurse...but it is not the same.
is it bad to have not been single for more than 6 months total in the last 4 years, and yet having 3 serious relationships? :-/ when i say it that way i deserve a "Here's Your Sign!" 3 SERIOUS relationships in 4 years?! REALLY!? ugh....So here is your chance. Tell me, please, good friends and viewers, what do you think? Do i need to have a "year of singleness" and just stick to it, no matter what? Maybe then i can truly discern who and when is right better than just taking every connection as a sign that HE is the one...So here we go.
As of 10-10-10, i will:
1-not be in an exclusive relationship (meaning i can go on dates but not give away my heart/expect that they are The One)
2-not even go on a date
3-just keep doin what im doin (allow myself to fall in love)
for one whole year.
Not many know this, but i was supposed to get married today. Senior year in high school i was dating a man. A mutual friend introduced us. We started dating Dec 16, 2006, got engaged Dec 23, 2007 and broke up some time in the spring of 2008. We had set the date for our wedding to be Oct 10, 2010 because i love numbers and he wanted to get married in the fall and we wanted me to have my RN and a full-time job. I dont really remember what happened in the months after the break up. I think i recall still seeing him a few times, but i know the last time i talked 2 him we were disconnected from the phone and when i called back his friend picked up and basically cursed me out and told me to leave my ex alone.
i spent my newly found "free time" working like crazy and a friend from work brought me to a church group for college-aged kids in the summer of 2008 . I immediately fell in love and realized how important my faith is to me. i put my free time back into God and the church, and in October met a guy who i dated for almost a year and a half, "knowing" that it was God who brought us together since neither of us were looking for relationships but had an indescribable connection. I figured we would get married. He figured we would just see what happens. How did that last a year and a half? (LOL sorry, i just think it's funny looking back).
So at this point, i was devastated to have lost yet another "future husband" but i was working on being content being single again. i was looking to God to fill me and sustain me. Life was fine. Sure i still would have loved to be getting married and having someone to love and love me, but i had my friends and they were my everything. i let go and let God. Then i met another man.
we met up to discuss a sermon, not to fall in love. but, as irony would have it, fall in love we did. this began the most intense relationship i have had with a potential husband. the bond we created was so strong that i can only explain our relationship as intense. It was on fire for God, encouraging one another, reading books exploring God together. It was a good relationship...and tho the word intense may have bad connotation, there is just no other way to explain that except intense! But how long can a fire stay that strong surrounded by lakes and firefighters....
So in the last 4 years of my life, i have only been single or in non-serious relationships for six months....just realizing this today and it just hit hard. that's 7/8 in relationship, 1/8 not, for FOUR YEARS!? Do i not know how to be single? do i take every slightest possibility and take it as a "sign" that i am supposed to be with that person? maybe i do. i really do wonder if that was all it was....and yet, i just cant let go....but is that because i dont know how to be single and it scares me to be single so i stay in relationships even when they are not right? But i dont think i am supposed to be single. i can only see myself as being married. i have so much love to give, how can i not share it? and i know there is the sharing love as a friend or mentor and nurse...but it is not the same.
is it bad to have not been single for more than 6 months total in the last 4 years, and yet having 3 serious relationships? :-/ when i say it that way i deserve a "Here's Your Sign!" 3 SERIOUS relationships in 4 years?! REALLY!? ugh....So here is your chance. Tell me, please, good friends and viewers, what do you think? Do i need to have a "year of singleness" and just stick to it, no matter what? Maybe then i can truly discern who and when is right better than just taking every connection as a sign that HE is the one...So here we go.
As of 10-10-10, i will:
1-not be in an exclusive relationship (meaning i can go on dates but not give away my heart/expect that they are The One)
2-not even go on a date
3-just keep doin what im doin (allow myself to fall in love)
for one whole year.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So i have been told one of my biggest issues is my insecurities. and the fault in that is looking to human validation of worth. (phew that was wordy! take a few moments to really meditate on that).
So what? My parents tell me im wonderful, i have friends that tell me i deserve the best...but it's not enough. NO, even if i had a man telling me morning noon and night how wonderful i am, even that would not be enough. If my boss told me every day that my position was so important and i was the best to fill it, it would not satisfy, it would not validate my worth, it would still leave me insecure.
Why's that? Because only in our insecurities in this life can we be truely secure. Huh? Just give it a moment. If we are "secure" with what we have from people, that will fade. Your parents will be disappointed in you, your friends will fight with you, your boss will see a new hire, and that man, well, he is a man......
So now that we are back to insecure, where else can we look for security? How about the One Who created me? No, we talked about parents already. try bigger, much bigger. God created you and me. He said "it's good." He "knew and knit you in the womb." Find security in Him.
But how?
If finding security in Jesus was easy, dont you think more Christians would have easy lives? And yet, dont we? We, as Christians who have accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, have eternal life. Hows that for security! We are literally going to live after we die. Doesnt get much more secure than that! And what about the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you? God the Father had to turn away from His own PERFECT Son, so that He will never have to turn away from you. If that doesn't scream "I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE SAFE AND SECURE HERE WITH ME!" i do not know what does.
So long insecurity, i left you in God's house tonight!
So what? My parents tell me im wonderful, i have friends that tell me i deserve the best...but it's not enough. NO, even if i had a man telling me morning noon and night how wonderful i am, even that would not be enough. If my boss told me every day that my position was so important and i was the best to fill it, it would not satisfy, it would not validate my worth, it would still leave me insecure.
Why's that? Because only in our insecurities in this life can we be truely secure. Huh? Just give it a moment. If we are "secure" with what we have from people, that will fade. Your parents will be disappointed in you, your friends will fight with you, your boss will see a new hire, and that man, well, he is a man......
So now that we are back to insecure, where else can we look for security? How about the One Who created me? No, we talked about parents already. try bigger, much bigger. God created you and me. He said "it's good." He "knew and knit you in the womb." Find security in Him.
But how?
If finding security in Jesus was easy, dont you think more Christians would have easy lives? And yet, dont we? We, as Christians who have accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, have eternal life. Hows that for security! We are literally going to live after we die. Doesnt get much more secure than that! And what about the promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you? God the Father had to turn away from His own PERFECT Son, so that He will never have to turn away from you. If that doesn't scream "I LOVE YOU! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE SAFE AND SECURE HERE WITH ME!" i do not know what does.
So long insecurity, i left you in God's house tonight!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The first
Hi all, just wanted to start the blog. Dont have anything to say quite yet, just hanging out with my mom and my sister's kids so i just wanted to get this started so i can give ppl a place to look and i will update as much as i can. Good thoughts to come. First, let me start with:
I pray for the fruit of the spirit and the armor of God:
Lord I take up the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God, I take up the shield of my faith, i put on the breastplate of righteousness, don my feet with the gospel of peace and steady the helmet of salvation on my head. I pray for love joy PEACE PATIENCE kindness goodness FAITHFULNESS gentleness and SELF-CONTROL!
I pray for the fruit of the spirit and the armor of God:
Lord I take up the sword of the Spirit and the Word of God, I take up the shield of my faith, i put on the breastplate of righteousness, don my feet with the gospel of peace and steady the helmet of salvation on my head. I pray for love joy PEACE PATIENCE kindness goodness FAITHFULNESS gentleness and SELF-CONTROL!
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