Sunday, July 29, 2012

Poem to my husband

Future husband, can't you see?
I'm busy being who God made me.
I don't have time to think about you
I need to look and grow, improve.
I can't be focused on who you are,
What we could be, whether near or far.
I won't allow my time to be wasted,
I know the Lord is good, this I have tasted.
So see me where I am and who I am and how
Because this is the present, and this is me now

Each day I pray for you I wonder what's wrong
What is it that is keeping our wait so long?
Are you failing to notice me, or me to catch your heart?
Am I failing to display virtue, failing in my part?
Or do we already know and we are just scared?
Feeling so young and so ill-prepared?
Husband I love you, already tonight.
So if you love me too, why put up this fight?
If you already know, if God has made it clear,
Then why, dear love, why do we fear?

Only the Lord my Maker is Husband.
I come alive, beautiful in His hand.
On Him alone can I count and depend
Knowing my honor only He can defend.
I cannot think of a mere mortal man
When I think of prince charming taking my hand.
Only This King could capture my heart
And be the One from whom I never depart.
Oh Heavenly Husband I ask this of You:
Bind me and make me to You always true!
Let no earthly man, mine or not,
Take from You this princess You bought!

quick thought before church....

thinking about Jesus as I prepare for church. I got to the Jews didn't get what they were expecting with the Messiah. they were seeing someone to come in and save them from Rome...but God had in mind to save them from an ETERNITY of Hell. what is it that we expect God to answer in one way and yet He answers in a different, BETTER way? one thing i thought of was marriage (no surprise there!) i know when i think about what i want in a husband and God reminds me He is my husband (isa55:4) i am floored.with how much better my Heavenly Husband is than any man i could dream up! so it is my prayer, that whenever my dreams are smaller than God s, that He will show me and help me walk in His

Monday, July 23, 2012

Post-Kenya Summer 2012 Trip

Here is what so may have been waiting for. When you ask me, "How was Kenya?" and i reply, "absolutely amazing and completely life-changing!" i am not exaggerating. I know it is hard to believe that this 5 year Spanish taker, heat-hating, America-loving, comfort junky actually changed in Africa, but it happened. I didn't plan to go to Africa until it hit me. It wasn't on my radar, my first connection to Africa fizzled and i wasn't even feeling it. Maybe it was just the wrong timing.

I should just type up some notes from the journal i wrote while i was preparing for, and then in Kenya, but maybe later. Right now, this is what i have to say. Kenya literally changed my life. I left with my life in ruins and returned with it in even more ruins (if we can even imagine that!), but with a lot more peace. Yes, you read that right. More stress, but more peace. And the amount of peace doesn't even compare to that of stress. I have truly been able to adopt the attitude of, "sawa sawa" or "it's ok" for you English-speakers.
Most of you know, or maybe not, that before i left my laptop's trackpad stopped tracking, my cellphone stopped charging(and holding a charge), my bff stopped being forever, and my potential job started rolling (after about a year of waiting and praying). Oh, and boy issues, as always, but that wasn't on the forefront of my mind.
From the time we got dropped off in the airport, God proved to us that He would show up when we cry out to Him. That He is not far away, that He hears. That He responds. That He cares, even about the littlest things. And the biggest many stories to tell but instead of putting them here, i want to put the lesson learned. That God is faithful and i can trust Him no matter what. When i was scared about being alone, He showed He is faithful. When i was scared to go on a mutatu, He showed me i can trust Him. When i was feeling just a little sick, He showed me He answers prayers, in His timing, in His way, with who He chooses. When i hit conflict, He showed that He is sovereign still. When i hit another conflict, He showed that He surrounds me with people that can help. When i was frustrated, He reminded me that "You will keep in perfect peace(A)
    him whose mind is steadfast
    because he trusts(B) in you." (Isaiah 26:3 NIV84) many lessons, so many times.
 Ok, some stories, just so you don't think i was there just to learn. I did help out! Haha. There were about 120 assessments to finish. These wellbeing assessments included a physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and educational section, as well as a health tracking form. Each section had 10 statements each child was to rate and the health tracking form included some extra questions, as well as checking eyes and teeth, height and weight. I also took pictures of each child to send to their sponsors, and helped with packing the letters as well. I lead devotions every night, gave the kids a quiz on the things i taught and even preached a Sunday service. In Kitui, the baby home, i helped to prepare meals for the babies, change and bathe the babies, and even got to take blood! The most important thing i think from the month, was sharing the love of Christ and seeing 29 children give thier lives to Christ. I pray for them and that they continue in knowing Christ more each day! More stories and details to come:) Check fb for pictures.