Saturday, October 23, 2010

To Save A Life Party

So tonight i got some friends together to watch this movie. It was life changing and we had some great discussion after it ended about Christianity and living it out etc. I had 2 friends who were not "Jesus Freaks" there. I dont want to say they werent Christian because they have said they believe in God (yes i know that is not the only requirement to being a Christian but this post is not to judge them as Christians or not!) Anyway, those 2 left before the movie ended. They didnt like the hardcore Christianity being pushed down their throats. Those of us that stayed, those of us "on fire for God" stayed afterward and had some great discussion! And also some terrible points made. I cant recall anything particular, except asking one person to basically be like the awesome leader that we saw in the lead character in the movie. She answered that she would talk to me about it. This meant no. This meant, no, i really am not gonna practice what i preach. i am gonna live in my happy content bubble and not serve my brother. This meant no i will not do what is right,what Jesus would do, but im gonna tell u all about how i want to be more like Jesus and all that matters to me is Him. Well, honey, if that was the TRUTH you would have served Him tonight. Instead, you kept ur security, ur comfort, ur perfect little life. Thanks for proving the cynics right. We cant change the world. Not because it's impossible, but because we refuse to. We refuse to let Christ use us. We refuse to do what He tells us to do. We refuse to love the "unloveable" though we will talk about doing it like we do it all the time. What fakers! No wonder the world hates us! No wonder the world doesnt "buy into" Christianity! All they see is FAKE CHRISTIANS. I wouldnt sign up for it either! Thank God i DO have people in my life showing true Christianity and being like Jesus in this world! To be honest, i will take the sinner who strives to be like Jesus in serving over the Pharisee who knows and quotes scripture but refuses to follow it! 


  1. Unfortunately, fake Christianity is the same kind that has been around for thousands of years. Even before Christ, people used the religion of Christianity to gain popularity with ‘good people’ so that they were liked. Unfortunately, the key ingredient in Christianity is change/transformation. If we really want to buy in and be ‘sold out’ then we need to give up our past, our friends (sort to speak), and everything else we put before God. We cannot allow our love for things that make us feel good, or take away the pain of living, become our gods. For years I have struggled with understanding why Christianity is the only real religion that matters. I could never figure it out, until God stripped away my idols leaving me wheeping in pain and agony with only myself to blame. I asked Him to change my life, and He did. Then I blamed Him for why it hurt, at least hurting is feeling, versus before I just ignored the numbness. God is life, love, truth. Apart from God, there is nothing else that is real. We can read the Bible all we want, but until we start to apply the lessons against the sins we hold onto, it’s all meaningless. Until we make our love for greater straighter then our desire to be good for God, none of it will ever make sense.
