Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why are we such PIGS!?

"chat with sexy singles who love God and read their Bible"
"come see my sexy Halloween costume"
"Introduce me to your friend, she's hot!"
"Don't worry about it, it's just (one cupcake, one drink, one smoke, one kiss...u fill in the blank)

These things just make me sick. Why do we continue to let the world we live in shoot us so many messages that tell us "sex is the only thing that matters" and "if you're hot, then you're important."?!
It really sickens me to see some of this trash that is bombarding our computer screens, TV screens, classrooms, church groups....why do you think people are killing themselves, whether slowly with their vices or quickly with suicide?! They see all around them that they are not important, not good enough, not worthy, not....anything. It's depressing. But is it just something we notice and say "oh that's so sad" or is it something we will actually DO something about?! Let the creativity flow friends! Tell me, HOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS WORLD!?

Conferences that tell a woman of her REAL beauty are few and far between, can we do more of them? can we be posting them instead of a College Thesis of the Horizontal Games?! Can we see the GOOD that is out there and post that instead of the bad? We need more of  NICK VUJICIC, more Beth Moore, more "unveiled" (HINT-if you dont know any of these people/events, LOOK THEM UP :-D)

So, ideas:
love those who are not the most physically attractive to you
more conferences on inner beauty
tell these girls they are beautiful and these guys they are handsome, just because they are not a size two with muscles that bulge doesnt mean that they are not worthy of love and compliments
check out Nick vujicic, beth moore, and other inspirational speakers instead of the clips that tell you you arent good enough
read the Bible-even in the church building you will find people loving the attractive more than the "could lose a few" (as a Christian dating site puts it) esp 1 Samuel 16:7!


  1. maybe it's because i myself feel so unattractive that i am so passionate about this but please please PLEASE, at the very least, don't ask me about my "hot friends." I know they are attractive in the world's eyes. I know that i am not. You do not need to point this out to me. Thanks.

  2. Its fustrating, but its what the world sells us is important. Its what offers temporary satisfaction. Its what is good for us at that point in time, regardless how anyone else feels. It is the society that promotes self everything instead of others.

  3. ok, so i have more to add.
    Men's lust is physical. anyone knows that. Give them a woman with curves n not many clothes, or skin tight clothes, and they will be allured and want more.
    Women's lust is emotional. yeah, but what's that mean? it means we want the attention, affection, we want to be in the spotlight. how do we get it? we dress scantily clad and show off our curves, feeding the men's lust of the physical in hopes that they will provide the emotional "oh you are so beautiful, i love you, i adore you" and longing glances. Then we no longer feel the need 2 dress like that to get the attention and the guy's attention/adoration fails so we start up again for a dif guy. Ugh what a terrible cycle!
    How girls can get their emotional needs met without dressing to feed the men's physical lust--(AND THIS IS KEY GUYS!)--realize that you do have the attention and adoration of the only One worthy of looking at your body, because He made it. Looking to God for your emotional needs being met is essential ladies, let's do it! let's see God for Who He is and see how much He loves us. Let that be enough to satisfy our lonely hearts longing to love and be loved!
