Sunday, April 17, 2011

i dislike boys, but i love men

i'm so tired of the childish games
i tired of the head games
i dont want to play anymore
these things have become a bore
i want a real man, not a boy
i am a woman not a toy
i am to be treasured not thrown away
i want someone who's here to stay
im done with your foolish ways
i want to be wise all my days
i wish no longer to be with the scoffers
but to cling to all the cross offers
you are so much like a child
pretending to be meek but really wild
you fly off the handle with no warning
for some stability i am yearning
young man please be a man
walk into the promised land
stop acting like a fool
just because you think it's cool
you dont impress that which you long for
when you cause such an uproar
how much better the man who is holds his tounge
instead of voicing a pile of dung
Why dont you act like a man?
Because i know you can!

Men hold fast to truth
and do not listen to the ruse
they are wise and know the Word
and of their ways i have heard
They do not objectify women
but render themselves to them as kin
Men will step up and take the lead
because they speak truth i will heed.
A real man is following Christ
and by his sin is vised
he does what is necessary
and from the LORD he does not tarry
A man will speak up for those without voices
instead of quieting the weaklings noises.

You see, a man is what you are called to be
when you have been born male you see.
God does not want you eating milk
when you are strong enough to eat the elk
why do you not reach your potentional
why do you lack the beneficial?
When will you turn to Him for advice,
instead of the snake that won't suffice?
you listen to the world and are not wise
when you really could be saving millions of lives.


  1. Wow I love this! Did you write this?

  2. yeah. totally inspired at the time...haha. BOYS ANNOY ME! and i am SO BURDENED for the fact that (in general, with our society) women don't let men lead and men don't lead. So whenever i have a Christian brother i try to encourage them to lead :)

  3. While I agree with you that boys need to act their age, remember Jesus was in his late 20s to early 30s when he started his ministry, Moses was just old when he was called.
    Yes, most guys right now are slacking in the responsiblity and leadership (maturity) department, myself included, yet look at Jay, look at Brady, David Platt, look at Passion speakers. Men may take some time to grow up, but when we do, we devote everything to our loves.
    The same kind of annoyance you feel could be the same guys feel in regards to girls and their gossip, their fashion, their searches for husbands. Besides the devil succeeds more that men fail to step up to plate.
    Please don't mistake me for wanting to argue, just trying to balance (justify?) this excellent writing.

  4. Becky you're really talented! :) Keep the poems coming!
