Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Anyone who knows me and has had a major conversation with me should know I'm into numbers. In a big way. (That phrase right there, with the words being 2+1(3), 3, 3 (which, of course, was 3 3s...) was calculated subconsciously)

So when I heard that it takes 40 days to kick a habit or addiction (or make a new one), I decided that would be my chance to really stick to this fitness thing. But since I also like simple dates, I chose to start may 1 and keep it up til Kenya (june 18).

So what is included in this 40(+) day adventure of mine? I'm glad you asked! :) maybe you can help keep me accountable/encourage me....
1) no fast food. If it has a drive thru, I'm not stopping. Also giving up chips. Props to Dani for doing this with me!:)
2) exercize EVERY DAY. Some days are praisercize. Props to MaryBeth for this. Some days may be tredmill/eliptical. Some may be outside walks. Some may be swimming. All must be active:)

Now, thinking of the number 40 brings two scriptures to mind. One is the 40 years the Israelites spent in the desert bc of disobedience. The second is Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness being tempted after being baptised. 40. A dreaded number. Full-time hours? 40/wk. Midlife crisis? 40 yrs old?(now older I think!) But back to scripture.

Jesus, the Word made flesh, knew the scriptures. He breathed them, wrote them, experienced when He spend 40....was He thinking of the Israelites? I know that wasn't what satan tempted my Lord with, but I wonder if there was any discouragement in being alone for 40 days....but somehow I find peace in knowing that His answers to the devil's temptations were always scripture. Could that have helped keep His mind renewed and from being discouraged? Just a couple late night thoughts....

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