Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Just thinking....when/if I get married, I don't want the hottest/cutest/most attractive, strongest, funniest, smartest, richest, or even the most well-versed. I simply want the man with whom I can create an accurate picture of Christ and His Bride the Church. Someone willing to lead me and lay down his life for me, someone who's life ambition is glorifying God. Someone who I can submit to because he's ahead of me faith and truth.

If you are in a relationship, do you have what you want?
If you are single and looking, are you looking for what you want?
If you are thinking you will ever get married, do you KNOW what you want?
(Not necessarily ?s to answer to me, but to yourself and to ask God)


  1. this was something i posted to facebook that i wanted to remember

  2. I'm single and I definitely see myself marrying a Tarzan who can rap Bible verses while tiptoeing on a surfboard someday haha ;) Shhhh don't tell anyone =D
