Thursday, May 3, 2012

refining fire

so recently i have praying strongly to have only God's desires. that His "holy fire [would] burn away my desire for anything that is not of [Him] and is of me"(Jeremy camp, my desire). i prayed for His refining and consuming fire to purify me as gold. it took me until prayer walking later that night to see what God showed me in pastor Jay's message.

the book of Daniel tells of the men of God who refused to bow down to the evil king's idol and were thrown into the fire. fire is what God uses to burn away. ..( ok so He could use chemical or electrical but i'm using this revelation). no matter how close we are already following God, he can still refine us further in the fire, in the temptations of the world that we deny,.saying "my God is stronger, my God is able."

on the other side of the fire and refining process, onlookers are amazed and praising God. those delivered from the fire are unharmed, and their faith in God is strengthened, as is the whole community. i pray for a fire like that. something that effects those around me In the way that they praise God and Know and Believe He alone is the One True God!

holy fire, burn away. my desire for anything that is not of you and is of me i want more if you and less of me

1 comment:

  1. I love that image of the men being thrown into the fire, yet coming out unscathed, and actually strengthened! :)
