Sunday, February 27, 2011

one thing

there's this one thing
just one sin
one thing i cant let go
but Lord i want to so
please take it from me
i want to be holy
as You are holy
but i just cant be

because there's this one thing
this one big sin
i just cant loose
and it's like a noose
killing me slowly each day
but it just makes me wanna say

Jesus, save me!
You are the Key
You are all i need!
to free me
to rip off these chains
of this horrible shame

it's just this one thing
this one sin
keeping me down
making You frown
holding me back
making me lack

it's one thing
just one sin
hiding all the others
they fall under covers
of this one thing
this one thing

Lord, free me from this one thing
this one sin
Jesus save me from this longing
Just be my King
Take away the evil in my heart
Fill in every part
Fill be with Your living
take away this one thing


  1. I desire this kitkat bar now, and i beg and plead that God gives it to me NOW bc i have such an appetite for it, and yet He tells me that He has a STOREHOUSE of kitkat bars, thin mint cookies, and all my favorites lined up for me if i will just wait....why can i not wait? why will i not let God write my love story? why must i continually steal the pen to write heartache back in my life? why must i try to make a failed relationship work, when the guy doesnt even want to try, doesnt even see me for who i am? i must give up complete control; i must give up this one thing, this yearning for a man to cherish me, because i have the One who will always cherish me

  2. God, i know, I KNOW! that you have the best plan for me, Your Word tells me so and i believe it! so why is it so hard for me to just let go. to leave him alone and cling wholly to You? to say that i dont care about what i think i want, i want whatever it is YOU have decided is best for me. I know that it is not him. my soul cries out to be cherished, to be loved, to be made whole. all of these things he could never do, but You fulfill each need for me, why can't i see?
