Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My heart's Desire/God Sightings/God listens to you!

Psalm 139:4 "Before a word is on my tongue
   you know it completely, O LORD."

How AWESOME that the God of EVERYTHING hears EVERY word, every desire before i even say it! I find this to be true in many ways, in many days. How foolish i felt today telling our preteens that i was thinking i didn't have a "God-sighting" (Aka, seeing God working/providing in my life) for today. Before i even said it, God had planned to bless me with extra McDonalds! My favorite part was being able to share it with a very special friend (two actually!) God knew what i needed before i asked for it, and God knew what i wanted before i asked for it.

A long long time ago, i was a little girl who was dreaming of her prince charming. At that time, i didn't know who he was but i knew certain qualities he'd have to have. As i grew older, so did this list. It's funny to look back and see those things that i wanted, those heart's desires. Some have changed, many have not. There have been many times that i have ignored my heart's desire for, in one case, a strong Christian leader, or in another, a respectful man, or in another case, a man that would encourage me. God knows my deepest yearnings in my heart, the things that matter most. When i line my desires up with His, that is when those yearnings are stronger, and are fulfilled. God Himself proves to be more than all i need, and then blesses me even more by giving me my hearts deepest desire. When it becomes time for Him to take it back, does it mean that He does not love me? Of course not! it simply means He wants me to continue to find my longings all fulfilled in HIM alone. And who knows, the more i press into God, the more He continues to bless me. Maybe He brings back that which He took away to bless me even more. But even if He doesnt, I still know that God is listening to me before i speak and He knows my heart's desire. THANK YOU, GOD!

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