Saturday, August 4, 2012

You say you like me, and I like you too.
But wait it out is what we gotta do.
Take our time to get to see where this is going
Instead of jumping in and start this growing
It makes good sense to have a solid foundation
And to God's will we want "us" to have consecration.
But when you don't want to tell people I'm yours
I start to doubt, to wonder, starting mind wars
Do you really like me or is it just a cover-up?
Do you want to be with me or think this could be love?
If you already see we will not be
Let me know if you've given up on me.
But if you think we could be forever,
Then why take so long to put us together?
I'm not saying its wrong to wait
Just wondering why we are still at the gate
The gun has gone off and we have not yet started to run
Together we just stand and look at the gun.
Are we too scared to find the truth about us?
Because if it's good,that takes a lot of trust.
But if it is bad, there goes some hope, a dream.
But standing here I feel like I need to scream 

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