Tuesday, August 9, 2011

From your helpmate

Dear future husband, God has shown me this hour once again that He is all i need. i have my list of all that i want, everything i want you to be or not be. How foolish to think i know best when the Father knows even every hair on my head! He knows what i want, and He knows what you want. The more important part, i have been shown, is not that we fit each others lists, but that we fit God's lists. Woman was taken of man to be his helpmate, so this is what i pray. That God shows me how to be the best helpmate i can be and that will lead me to you. Yes, i still have "my list," but instead of looking for you and how to make you mine, I will look to how i can respect and help you, whoever you may be. You are not mine. You are God's. And i am not yours; I am God's. Therefore, let us be used by Him in everything. I know now that you are not a man who fits my qualifications alone, but a man whom i can respect and follow, and you are a man who can lead and love. Together we shall serve Our Lord, Our God. One day He will bring us together, but only when the time is right for His glory.
I apologize, my love, for how long it is taking for me to get there. i always thought i would have gotten to you by now.  But i know that God's got a plan and all i will do is wait for you, and pray for you, and do all i can do to bring God the glory in all i do in this season of life.

Dear Heavenly Father, Holy One in Heaven, i praise You for Your wisdom that You give so freely! I thank You for revelations and ask for wisdom in what to do with them. i pray that You prepare me to be used by You each and every day. Guide my feet so that i do not stumble into sin. I do not want to wander off Your path of righteousness. Help me to always say no to the road that is wide and foolish. Keep me on the straight and narrow and reveal to me Your will for my scene in this movie YOU star in. You are the only thing that is worth it LORD. I speak of momentary things, why can i not speak of You and things of the eternal? Use my mouth LORD God for Your glory. May each time i open my mouth it not be me voicing an opinion, by You speaking Your truth. I praise You for all that You have done and are doing in my life. To You alone be the glory. Continue to show me how to love and serve like You. Let me be Your shining light. I love You Lord Jesus. In that precious and blameless name i pray all these things, amen

1 comment:

  1. I get what i've always wanted; and think God finally came through/every moment with him is amazing ;I can't believe this is true/but then the man has to leave; and instead to Christ I cleave/it's God I wanted all along;I must remember when all goes wrong
